
The 数学 Department offers three degree paths — a bachelor of arts, 理学学士学位, and a flexible degree in Applied 数学, where the student chooses the applied area to study. 

Our graduates have gone to graduate school in mathematics and other fields and are employed in teaching, 数据分析, 精算工作, 统计数据, 法律工作, 和编程, 还有其他领域.


The 数学 Department at 好的赌博软件推荐 seeks to provide excellent instruction to enable our students to become competent in the mathematics required for their chosen fields, and to share our expertise with the community through service and leadership.


  • Students who have completed a math course at SPU will have an increased appreciation for the beauty and utility of mathematics.
  • Graduates will have mastery of, and confidence in, the core materials of mathematics.
  • Graduates will serve as mentors to others in mathematical skills and knowledge.
  • Graduates will prepare and present a substantial project to the 西雅图 Pacific community.
  • Graduates will be able to solve complex problems using mathematical tools.