
SJC 1000: Introduction to Justice, Equity, and Cultural Studies (5)


This course will introduce students to key questions, 的想法, and figures that shape cultural studies as an interdisciplinary field. 从这个框架出发, students will begin to explore how histories, 理论, and practices inform an understanding of equity in contemporary societies and explore ways literature, 电影, 艺术, 宗教, and scholarhip can begin to work towards liberation.

SJC 3382: South Africa: Stages of Protest and Democracy (5)


This study abroad course will analyze protest narratives, ranging from popular and award-winning works like J. M. Coetzee's Age of Iron and Trevor Noah's Born a Crime to performances of AIDS survivors and state narratives intended to avoid civil war and attempt transitional justice. 典型提供:偶尔.

同类产品: 3382年英格 属性: 文化的理解&Engagement, Honors Course, 上部分, Ways of Engaging

SJC 3383: Arab Spring: Gender, Islam, Democracy (5)


This study abroad course will analyze how gender and 宗教 are critical components to recent democratic movements in Islamic countries. Students will read 艺术icles on economic challenges, 地方妇女运动, and historical connections between Christian and Muslim regions, 比如西班牙和摩洛哥, as well as Moroccan women writers such as Fatima Mernissi and Laila Lalami. 通常提供:每隔一年.

同类产品: 3383年英格 属性: 文化的理解&Engagement, Honors Course, 上部分, Ways of Engaging, Writing "W" Course

SJC 3510: Theology, Culture, and Society (5)


Focuses on the public dimension of Christian life. How ought Christians to engage their culture? How do we insure that such engagement is truly Christian? Addresses several social issues of special concern to the contemporary church, 比如种族关系, 战争与和平, and the separation of church and state.

同类产品: 西奥3510 属性: 上部分

SJC 4899: Race, Representation, and Law (5)


在这个顶点, 学生们将借鉴这一理论, methodologies and practices learned through out the major to examine the connections between law, 政策, cultural representation and ideologies. Students will be asked to think about strategies that promote social justice and equity.

属性: 上部分 限制: Soc Justice/Cultural Studies 专业, 未成年人, Concentrations only. 仅限初四学生.

SJC 4930: Social Justice Practicum (1-5)


For advanced students who serve as teaching or research assistants for faculty. May be repeated for credit up to six credits.

属性: 上部分

SJC 4940:实习(1-5)


Provides opportunities to gain practical experience in social justice and cultural work. Internships are strongly encouraged for all 社会正义与文化研究 majors as they begin exploring their vocational tracks. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

属性: 上部分 限制: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

SJC 4960: Designing Justice: Vocational Tracks (2-5)


As p艺术 of student’s requirements for experiential learning, this course asks students to demonstrate their understanding of their tracks, as they put together a reflective portfolio on their coursework, and as they create a senior project to present to the class. These projects will be turned in as p艺术 of their final grade. Each student will design a proposal and then finalize their project. Because this is experiential learning, students can choose the length of their final documentary videos, creative documentaries on social justice, 视觉组件或网站, environmental racism research studies, 研究生准备论文, 等, 和相应的, sign up for varying level of credits for their project in the course. All students must complete the reflective component and presentation and final project for at least 2 credits (2-5 credits possible). 通常提供:冬季. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

限制: Soc Justice/Cultural Studies 专业, 未成年人, Concentrations only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.