Program News

New Poetry Mentors Mischa Willett and Jennifer Maier

虽然赌博十大靠谱软件很难过地向赌博十大靠谱软件的诗人和朋友鲍勃·科丁说再见, longtime MFA faculty mentor, and Karen An-hwei Lee, new Provost of Wheaton College, we welcome our new mentors! 米莎·威利特和詹妮弗·梅尔已经加入赌博十大靠谱软件的行列,成为一年级和二年级的诗歌导师, respectively.  两人目前都是好的赌博软件推荐的本科教授. 

Mischa Willett is the author of The Elegy Beta (Mockingbird 2020) and Phases (Cascade, 2017),这本书被评为2017年最佳书籍之一 Washington Independent Review of Books. Also a scholar of Romantic aesthetics, 威利特担任菲利普·詹姆斯·贝利诗歌的编辑, and publishes research on Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Shelley. 

他的诗歌、学术文章、散文和翻译发表在诸如 Chronicle of Higher Education, The Gospel Coalition, Victorian Literature and Culture, Rio Grande Review, The Cresset, Comment Magazine and elsewhere.

Jennifer Maier是诗歌和现代文学教授, as well as Writer in Residence, at Seattle Pacific University, 她还共同创立并指导了英语系的罗马留学项目. 2007年至2018年,她担任《好的赌博软件推荐》副主编 Image. Her work has appeared in 诗歌,羽,葛底斯堡评论,美国诗人,新信, and elsewhere. Her first book, Dark Alphabet (Southern Illinois UP), was named on of the Ten Remarkable Books of 2006 by the Academy of American Poets and was shortlisted for the 2008 Poets' Prize; a second, Now, Now, 这本书于2013年由匹兹堡大学出版社出版. Her latest collection The Occupant, 预计2021年将由匹兹堡大学出版社出版. 

Welcome aboard!

New Book by Fiction Mentor, Robert Clark, is Out Now

"My Victorians is a hybrid in both form and content, 部分回忆录/扩展抒情诗,但也是一部传记作品, photography, and cultural, literary, and art history. 这是一本赌博十大靠谱软件作家罗伯特·克拉克(Robert Clark)的旅行日志,他试图理清自己对维多利亚时期小说家长达五年的突然而莫名其妙的痴迷, artists, architecture, and critics. He wends his way through England and Scotland, 一丝不苟地追踪查尔斯·狄更斯的行踪, George Gissing, John Millais, the Bloomsbury Group, and others, 他一边走一边用幽灵般的照片记录下一切.

As Clark delves deeper into the Victorian world, 他想知道:通过洞察一个21世纪的作家的生活和工作,他的艺术家能提供什么? 他对维多利亚的痴迷渗透到他生活的方方面面, even the seemingly incongruous world of online dating. My Victorians is in the spirit of Geoff Dyer’s Out of Sheer Rage and Rebecca Mead’s My Life in Middlemarch. This book considers what happens when heartbreak, eros, faith, and doubt drive us to take refuge in the past."
—University of Iowa Press

无论是小说还是非小说类作品,罗伯特·克拉克总是让人着迷. 但这部历史探索的小杰作是很特别的, 巧妙地从个人痴迷转向冷静的历史思考, never losing the narrative beat. My Victorians is passionate, clear-eyed, acute in its analysis. But are these Victorians? Surely he’s shown us ourselves.”

—Patricia Hampl, author, The Art of the Wasted Day 

Buy My Victorians: Lost in the Nineteenth Century here.

Director Scott Cairns' New Book of Poetry is Out Now

"Anaphora is a book of both utterance and stillness,用充满神圣意味的专注语言书写. 这是一幅在祈祷中创作的作品,在深度相遇的门槛上,在有限的空间里 breakwater and tree line, amidst the high peaks of the north Cascades, 在香柏树的树林里,在对上帝不住地渴望的寂静中. 这些诗是优美而灵巧的论点,呼应了华莱士·史蒂文斯的 Book of Psalms以及叙利亚的圣艾萨克的布道,这位诗人与他有着特别的亲切感. Cairns’ is a poetry of presence and watchfulness, 哀歌,赞美诗以及正义如何应对不公的忠告. It is a poetry awake to love’s inspiring agency, soulfully both a burning and a balm, and most especially for our moment, a gift."

—Carolyn Forché, author of The Angel of History and What You Have Heard Is True

在斯科特·凯恩斯最新的这本书中,“回指”——刻意重复一个单词或短语——是主要的诗歌手法,这本书是对赞美和崇拜之声的呼应和重复.  换句话说,凯恩斯写作是为了达到“赌博十大靠谱软件的语言所不能达到的大部分”.这些诗颂扬了他在文字上的前辈——母亲和父亲——以及他在诗歌上的前辈——斯特兰德和史蒂文斯.  但是他们通过对自然世界和作为自然世界一部分的人体的真正尊重来管理所有这些崇拜……即使(或者特别是因为)!),身体变老,退化,这些是暗淡的眼睛.看看凯恩斯的眼睛看到了什么!"

—Jericho Brown, author of The Tradition: Poems.

Buy Anaphora here.

MFA at the 2019 Glen Workshop

Director Scott Cairns 将举办一个名为“行外写作”的诗歌研讨会.在赌博十大靠谱软件如何最好地将诗歌文本与其他文本区分开来的初步讨论之后, 工作坊将合作,使每一首提交的诗歌更有成就,更持久. 在书页上增强韵文诗的一个因素将包括坚持线条作为线条发挥实际作用, that they do more than simply move the syntax along, 他们打开诗的句法传递的意思给别人, line-delivered meaning(s).

Our Creative Nonfiction second year mentor Lauren Winner, a writer, priest, professor, longtime writing faculty at the Glen Workshop, and nonfiction section editor for Image, will return to the Glen as chaplain in 2019. 除了带领社区进行晨拜, 她将主持一些独特的团体活动,包括乔治亚·奥基夫博物馆的“神游”活动. 劳伦的许多精神类非虚构作品包括 Girl Meets God, Still, and Wearing God. Her most recent book is the academically inflected 基督教实践的危险:论任性的恩赐、特有的损害和罪, recently reviewed in the Christian Century by Image’s editor in chief James KA Smith.

Alumnus and SPU Instructor Jeffrey Overstreet will be leading a film seminar, "It's Complicated: Movies About the Risks, Rewards, and Essential Creativity of Friendship."

赌博十大靠谱软件生活在一个越来越支离破碎的时代, as communities become camps of cultural like-mindedness. 玛丽莲·罗宾逊将这种分裂描述为对美国基本理想的威胁:“民主, in its essence and genius, 想象中的爱和对一个群体的认同是什么, much of the time and in many ways, one may be in profound disagreement.”

Perhaps more than ever, 赌博十大靠谱软件需要富有想象力的友谊愿景,尽管如此,它仍能蓬勃发展, and even because of, fundamental differences in culture, belief, and priorities. 在这个研讨会上,赌博十大靠谱软件将观看来自世界各地的六个被忽视的电影宝藏,它们提供了这样的愿景:赌博十大靠谱软件骨折的电影, forgiveness, and faithfulness among friends. 赌博十大靠谱软件将特别关注赌博十大靠谱软件艺术家之间关系的电影. And then we will discuss their narratives, study their cinematic artistry, 谈谈它们揭示了赌博十大靠谱软件自己的关系.

虽然这些愿景来自不同文化背景和宗教信仰的艺术家, 他们都放大了福音的召唤:爱你的邻居. Frederick Buechner reminds us that, in order to love them well, “before doing anything else we must see our neighbors. With our imagination as well as our eyes, that is to say like artists, 赌博十大靠谱软件不仅要看到他们的脸,还要看到他们背后和内心的生活.” 

Find out more about the Glen Workshop here.