
A. SPU’s course material program is administered through the SPU Online 书店 and provides 所有 的学生 所有 他们的必修课程材料在上课的第一天以一个实惠的价格.

A. 尽管所有学生支付相同的学杂费, 不管专业是什么, 在教科书和其他课程材料的费用上仍然存在经济上的差距. 解决这一问题,促进所有学生享有平等的学习机会, this program adopts a pricing model for course materials that aligns with the other costs of attendance. 通过这样做, 它旨在缩小经济差距,并确保所有学生, 不管他们的研究领域是什么, 是否有机会获得成功所需的教育资源.

A. 请浏览网址: spu.textbookx.com 然后用你的好的赌博软件推荐账户登录. 您的“学生主页”将出现, which will list 所有 of the courses that you are registered for plus 所有 of the materials that you will receive.

A. 是的,好的赌博软件推荐的所有学生都包括在这个项目中.

A. 是的,所有25美分的硬币都包含在这个项目中.

A. 是的. 如果你愿意,你可以选择退出, though we strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of this program because it offers discounted course materials with the advantage of being ready for your classes on the first 一天. 选择退出, 访问书店网站,用你的学校账号登录, 然后点击页面顶部的“我的课程”. 此页面将列出选择退出日期. 请注意, you will be responsible for obtaining your own course materials and must return any materials that have already been sent to you.


学生将有三个星期的窗口前一个季度开始到10月th 选择退出“猎鹰优势”课程材料计划. 不按课程选择退出,只按季度选择退出.e.,选择退出冬季季,而不是UCOR 2000). Students also have the option to opt back into the program after having opted out during this window if desired. 在任何时候, students who have opted out of the Falcon Advantage program and need course materials can purchase their materials through the Online 书店. Course materials purchased outside the Falcon Advantage program are non-returnable and non-refundable. 10之后th 季度日, 课程材料只能通过网上书店独立购买. When students opt out of the Falcon Advantage program after having received their course materials (or notification that their course materials have shipped), 所有材料必须按照退课政策退回. 

A. 是的, you have until the given opt-out date (10th 一天 of each quarter) to decide whether to participate. 

A. No, the bookstore will send a confirmation email so that you know what materials you will be receiving, 但是你不需要采取任何行动来确保材料的交付.

A. 该程序提供物理和数字文本的混合, 通常取决于教师的选择和可用性. You can log into your bookstore account to see which items are physical and which are digital.

A. “公平获取”提供实体和数字教科书. 如果指定了数字文本, students have the option to purchase a print accompaniment in addition to the digital text that they will automatic所有y receive as part of the program. 如果您想购买实体文本, 你可以选择他们和检查,因为你会在任何其他电子商务网站. 使用信用卡、借记卡、PayPal、Google Pay或ApplePay支付.

A. 是的! 这家书店出售服装和礼品等品牌商品, 还有课程用品和其他物品. 浏览网址: spu.textbookx.com/merch. 你可以浏览和订购其他项目,因为你会在任何其他在线零售商店.

A. No, physical textbooks will not need to be returned at the end of the quarter as they will remain your property. 如果你想卖你的书, 你将有能力在书店网站上列出它们. 点击页面顶部的“卖出”并按照进一步的说明操作. 对于数字课程材料,你可以访问它们的时间可能有限制. 您可以在书店的图书馆帐户中查看过期日期. If, 然而, 你已经放弃了一门课程,并且已经收到了你的课程材料, you will need to return any physical books by the 10th 季度日 or you will be charged for them. You can log a return on your online profile and return 所有 physical books to 邮件服务. 任何数字课程材料将从您的图书馆帐户中删除.


A. 去指定的校园接送地点, 邮件服务. 如果你喜欢,你可以通过网站更改送货地址.

A. 学校会发出几条通知,提醒你拿起你的书. 如果你在本季度的第10天还没有取货, 他们将被视为被遗弃, 但是你还是要付材料费. 被遗弃的物品将成为学校的财产.


All course materials related to the Online 书店 and Falcon Advantage program must be picked up from 邮件服务 located in Falcon’s Post by the person named in the “Ship to” field within the first 10 一天s of any quarter. Presentation of a Falcon Card (student ID) or another form of ID is required at the time of pick up. Reasonable efforts will be taken to notify the student that their item(s) is available for pick up by 好的赌博软件推荐 and the online Akadémos bookstore. SPU可以将您的物品存放不超过10个学日. Any textbook or other course material items that are not claimed by the student within 10 一天s of the start of a quarter will be deemed abandoned. 10之后th 季度日, the institution has sole discretion to sell or otherwise dispose of the abandoned items in any manner it deems appropriate. If any costs are incurred by 好的赌博软件推荐 for taking ownership of the abandoned items, 这些费用可以转移到学生身上. Under no circumstances will these course material charges be removed from your student account or waived. The student agrees to absolve and hold 好的赌博软件推荐 harmless for the abandoned items. 

有关这些政策的任何其他问题,请发送查询至 bookstore@lscarpet.net.

A. All digital course material access information will be emailed to you on or before the first 一天 of class. 视项目而定, 材料将通过您的LMS (Canvas)帐户提供, 出版商网站, 或通过VitalSource (akad2013.2013.10). 如果你需要一个赌博十大靠谱软件你应该访问哪些数字课程材料的提醒, 访问书店帐户中的图书馆,查看主列表.

A. Vitalsource (Akademos), 书店提供数字图书的主要平台, 是完全可访问的. 如果需要材料的实物副本, 学生应根据具体情况联系学校的无障碍办公室.


A. The cost is added to your student account and calculated on a flat cost per student per credit hour, 不管每本教科书的价格是多少. 在23-24学年,每学时的费用为18美元.

A. 学生将在他们的学生帐户上看到一笔费用, 他们在学生金融服务中心的声明中进行了反思, 与他们本季度的学费结余一起支付, 等.

A. Refunds will be processed in accordance with existing deadlines and procedures through the school’s registrar’s office.


It is the policy of Seattle Pacific that course materials provided through the Falcon Advantage program for courses a student is registered for, 然后下降, 必须在十点前送回猎鹰哨所th 季度日. 学生必须访问akadsamos门户网站,标记已归还的课程材料, 然后把他们的资料原封不动地带到书店. Any materials not returned by this deadline will be charged to the student’s account at the regular per-credit hour rate designated by the program for that quarter. Under no circumstances will these book charges be removed from your student account or waived if materials are not returned in their original condition by the 10th 一天.


A. Adding a class: The bookstore will continu所有y check for new enrollments in classes up until the add/drop date (10th 季度日), 因此,任何需要的新材料都将继续加工. 要查看交付状态,请访问您的书店帐户并单击“跟踪”.”

A. 退课:如果有实物给你, 您将收到一封带有退货说明的电子邮件. 对于尚未访问的数字课程材料, 密码将会失效,你将无法再访问这些材料. 如果您已经访问了已删除课程的数字课程材料, 如需进一步说明,请与书店联系. 


A. 赌博十大靠谱软件任何数字课程材料的进一步问题, 请联系猎鹰优势计划在线帮助中心 spu.textbookx.com/help 或致电866-271-8063. 

赌博十大靠谱软件任何物理课程材料的进一步问题, please come see one of our 书店 representatives situated on campus at the Falcon's Post or email bookstore@lscarpet.net和附上你的学生号以便更快的回复.

A. 如果您最近添加了一门课程,那么订单可能还在发送途中. 访问网站查看您的个性化学生主页, 它会告诉你物品何时到达或者是否还在途中. You can also contact the bookstore for a status update or to review your account in case there is a discrepancy.

A. If there is a problem with the items that were delivered, the bookstore will replace them as needed. 通过网站上的帮助页面与他们联系.

A. 通过网站联系书店,他们会帮助你. Make sure to include your email, course name, course section, and the isbn of the missing item.