你在寻找你的“使命”吗?? Your sense of  purpose in your life 和 work? 上帝对你生命的旨意? 你并不孤单! Most students entering college don’t yet know what they want to do with their lives (和 many of those who imagine they do, 最终改变方向). College is a process of discovering 和 solidifying your sense of calling, purpose, 和 direction. The CCC has resources that can get you started on the journey. And we have a great staff who are here to help you discern your life’s calling.


Our vocation is “called” forth from us. All of us are called to participate in God’s creative 和 redemptive work in the world. We express our vocation through the ways we choose to live our lives; in our work, 活动, relationships; 和 in our commitments to our church, 社区, 更广阔的世界.


在SPU, we are called to be people of competence, 字符, 和智慧, 并成为充满恩典的社区的典范. 是上帝的声音在呼唤赌博十大靠谱软件, 和 vocational discernment is learning to recognize that call, 这职业, in our everyday lives — to engage our head, 心, 灵魂通过三个渠道: 祈祷,反射, 和 社区.


Regular prayer is a part of our everyday calling. Both communal prayer 和 personal prayer practices help us to grow more aware of God in our daily lives, 和 listen more carefully to God’s voice. 祈祷 allows us to stop 和 quiet ourselves, 表达感谢, 请大家原谅, 提升需求和欲望, 安息在神安慰的同在里. In prayer, God transforms us 和 prepares the ground for our calling to emerge.


We learn from reflecting on what we read, study, 和 experience. Our self-reflection provides a deeper underst和ing of who we are 和 helps us learn more about 和 grow deeper in our relationship with God. Reflecting on particular categories of questions can promote the personal knowledge needed to help us grow in our response to God’s call:

  • 梦想与抱负. 是什么激励着我? 我的梦想是什么?? What is deep 和 not yet fulfilled in my life? The Holy Spirit works within us to call us toward our vocation.
  • 激情. 我最快乐的时刻是什么? When did I feel most alive, have the greatest sense of belonging to myself, others, God, creation? We discover our meaning 和 purpose when we reflect on our everyday experiences.
  • 技能与天赋. 这是我的天性? When have I had the greatest sense of 和 expression of my skills 和 gifts? 辨别ing our gifts helps us to identify our unique contribution.
  • 世界的需要. What do I know of the poor 和 suffering? What needs have taken hold in my 心? 辨别ing our response to the world’s needs helps us to explore our vocation.

In listening 和 responding to God’s call, the insights of others can help. Asking open-ended questions of mentors, 老师, family 和 friends can offer a valuable perspective:

  • 你觉得我有哪些天赋?
  • When have I appeared most 快乐ful 和 fulfilled?
  • How do you see me helping to build God’s kingdom or contributing to the common good?

职业洞察力 is a slow, deliberate process that can continue for a lifetime. Our vocation will develop through experience 和 by discovering new contexts in which to express our gifts 和 激情. The goal of seeking our vocation is to live it out in the world, 避免完美主义的陷阱, 惯性, 和恐惧.

Our vocation is the everyday expression of our love for God. 赌博十大靠谱软件是由爱而生,也是为爱而生. Our vocation is not as much about what God wants us to do — though it is about that — as it is about being the voice of Christ, 受安慰之灵的引导, 培养和平, 快乐, 和幸福, 就像赌博十大靠谱软件在世界上爱和服务一样.

Here are 4 the ways the CCC can help with vocational discernment:

  • Course: GS 2000/4000 “Finding Your Vocation.” 这门2学分的神学院式课程, 每季度提供, will help you come to know yourself better 和 sense God’s call on your life. You will learn to use reflective writing 和 tools for discernment 和 prayer in your everyday life 和 for your future.
  • Online course: GS 2004: “Discover Your 调用.” 在SPU, we believe every student has a unique 和 special role to play in the world. 被称为! 在线现场指南(OFG), is the student's companion as they chart a path through college 和 into the world of work. 这 1-credit DISCERN class (the second in a series of four online classes), gives students a chance to learn spiritual practices, better underst和 their choice of major, learn how to correspond like a professional, 练习信息性面试, plus consider Sabbath 和 building 社区.
  • 个别咨询预约. 预约 to meet with our vocational discernment counselor or a career counselor to talk about your sense of purpose 和 direction.
  • PathwayU评估. 这 20分钟在线评估 帮助你评估你的兴趣, 值, 工作场所的偏好, 和更多的, Plus为你推荐职业匹配. 
  • 图书馆资源. Over 1600 items exploring the theological 和 practical application of the intersection of the Christian faith in the workplace can be found in the 工作与信仰收藏 available on the third floor of the 图书馆

2012 SPU graduate Sarah Konopasky has worked on the front lines of the battle against cancer. 通过SPU的导师计划, she served in the research labs of one of the world’s foremost experts on prostate cancer. 阅读更多 响应 杂志


在这本重要的书中, Doug Koskela 探索礼物如何, 激情, 和职业是相互联系的, 和 offers practical guidance for vocational discernment. You can borrow a hard copy from the CCC library or check out the ebook from the SPU 图书馆.

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