Digital Discernment: 下午会议

docl 2024

Each afternoon session will be presented at 1–1:50 p.m. 下午2:50.m.


This session will look at representations of events and figures from ancient history on various online platforms and at how we consume them. Not only will we consider whether the representations are accurate or fictional, we will also look at their aesthetics and visual rhetoric.

欧文•埃瓦尔德 古典文学副教授

地点: 韦特厅202

“会出什么问题?? AI Tools in the Classroom – a Live Experiment”

Join us as we explore some of the questions about the use and perils of generative AI tools in teaching and learning. We will explore and reflect on some of the challenges and opportunities of using tools like ChatGPT, 吟游诗人, 困惑, ResearchRabbit, 和萤火虫. Whether you regularly use such tools or just want to find out more, come and watch the live demo and find out what could possibly go wrong ...

优雅的搜索引擎优化, Associate Director Educational Technology and Media
约翰·罗伯逊, Assistant Dean for 指令al Design and Emerging Technologies; Associate Professor

地点: 克雷莫纳102

“Digital and Information Equity: Discerning the Issues & 西雅图解决方案”

西雅图's economy is fueled by the tech industry, yet many citizens do not have access to internet service, 设备, 基础技术培训. Join librarians and Information Studies professors 克里斯汀霍夫曼 and Liz Gruchala-Gilbert in exploring Digital and Information Equity in 西雅图 — what it is, 谁受到了影响, and what solutions are being implemented.

Liz Gruchala-Gilbert 文学院 and 科学 and 教育学院 Librarian; Associate Professor
克里斯汀霍夫曼, Psychology and Scholarly Communications Librarian

地点: 克雷莫纳101


Four years ago, a group of SPU professors got together to study artificial intelligence and 信仰. They created a year-long research project to explore the impact of AI from various disciplinary perspectives and from the perspective of Christian 信仰. The project culminated in a collection of essays published as AI, 信仰, and the Future: An Interdisciplinary Approach. 自从他们的书问世以来, due to the availability of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, 人工智能已经成为一个热门话题. 在本次会议上, contributors to the book will revisit and update their thoughts about AI, 信仰, 还有未来.

迈克尔•保卢斯, Assistant Provost for Education Technology; Dean of the 图书馆; Associate Professor of Information Studies
迈克·朗格弗德, Professor of Theology, Discipleship, and Ministry
利百加米饭, Interim Co-dean for 文学院 and 科学, Chair of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy
大卫·威克斯,课程副教授 & 指令

地点: 图书馆研讨室

“Discerning Climate Change Information and Responses”

Climate Change can feel like an overwhelming topic. We will discuss good strategies for intaking news, 辨别真理, 回应, 保持希望和能动性. How can lament, anger and grief be helpful? This will be a lecture format with a Q&A.


地点: 伊顿大厅112

“Leveraging Ancient Wisdom to Steward AI Opportunities”

Drawing on the six-year participation of AI and 信仰 in this global conversation, this talk discusses how Christians can better engage the AI ethics debate at scale through traditional and new story telling techniques that leverage the Bible’s powerful stories of fall and restoration; soulful integration of mind, 心, and strength; and the fundamental importance of incarnation.

卡洛斯·阿里亚斯, Chair of Computer Science, Associate Professor of Computer Science
大卫·布伦纳 AI和信仰的董事会主席

地点: 奥托·米勒大厅109

“Digital Discernment at Home, School, and Church”

在本次会议上 we will be discussing the implications of Dr. Ott’s presentation with regard to raising children and youth. 这个环节将是对话式的, 邀请地方部委领导, 一点, 父母, and educators to discuss how information about “Digital Discernment” might inform how they shape the digital world of the children in their lives.

凯瑟琳·道格拉斯, Associate Professor of Educational Ministry and Practical Theology

地点: Demaray 150


As communication technologies become more and more pervasive, 渗透赌博十大靠谱软件的私人空间, and moving entire communities into "virtual space," the art world responds by creating ever more embodied, visceral and interactive experiences. 在这个分组讨论中, SPU Art History Professor 凯蒂Kresser will interview multimedia artist Daniel Chang about both his work in digital media and his recent performance piece, "Breath of God: Please Remove Your Shoes,,在比奥拉大学上演. 在这个互动作品中, 其中包括声音元素, 光, 和运动, Chang hoped to create a physical experience of journeying and transition that would help visitors detox from the harms of Covid-era “digital” isolation.

Daniel Chang, Associate Professor of Art, Biola University

地点: 艺术中心5

Daniel Chang will also present his new exhibition of works in the SPU Art Center Gallery.