
  • 计算机科学(主修和辅修)
  • 信息系统(主修)

专业 in “计算机科学与信息系统” are designed to prepare 你 to

  • 运用批判性思维技能 and efficient computer-based methods to analyze and solve challenging problems. 
  • 利用计算机技术 以对社会负责的方式.
  • 运用你的专业知识 无论你在世界的哪个地方服务.

We offer a balanced program of studies in the theoretical and applied aspects of modern computing-related disciplines, 受到基督教世界观的影响. Our goal is to graduate students equipped for continued professional development and service.

The computing sciences encompass a broad and evolving group of related disciplines. SPU’s 工程与计算机科学系 offers majors in 计算机科学, “计算机工程与信息系统”, + minors in the 计算机科学 and 计算机工程. We also collaborate with Mathematics through their Applied Mathematics major with emphasis in Computational Mathematics.  

赌博十大靠谱软件的课程欢迎转学生. 了解更多有关 最快完成任务的途径 of a 计算机科学 or Information Systems major at the Engineering and 计算机科学s Department 网站.

哪个项目最适合你? 答案在于是什么 想和电脑打交道. Additional information on career paths in the computing disciplines can be found at the ACM计算学位和职业 网站.

了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件这个部门的信息 使命、愿景和学习成果.



The BA in 计算机科学 is a particularly good major if 你 wish to double-major or minor in another field. 这个专业强调解决问题, 组织和综合思想, 以及计算理论的应用. Graduates are well-suited for projects that apply computing to other disciplines.

  • A minimum 74 credits are required for this major, 包括41个高年级学分.
  • You will complete 15 courses total in 计算机科学, encompassing the major topics of the discipline.
  • 高级项目,需要实习 provide opportunities to apply computer-based problem-solving techniques in an area of interest.
  • 数学课程 applied calculus, computer math, and statistics complete the major requirements.



The BS in 计算机科学 is the traditional degree in computer science, and prepares 你 for a professional career or graduate studies in the discipline. The major emphasizes scientific, quantitative, and engineering problem-solving.

  • A minimum 108 credits are required for this major, 包括46个高级学分.
  • 计算机科学学士学位包括一门核心课程 that provides 你 with a broad background in the topics of computer science, + a choice of three senior-level technical electives that allow 你 to explore these or other topics in greater depth.
  • 高级项目,并要求实习 provide opportunities to apply 你r core knowledge to more advanced problems.
  • 本计算机课程由 related coursework in mathematics, electrical engineering, and the natural sciences.



The BS in Information Systems is designed to provide 你 with a strong foundation in both the technical and organizational aspects of information systems. Graduates are well-prepared to help both for-profit and nonprofit organizations define and achieve their technology goals.

  • A minimum 84 credits is required for this major, 包括51个高年级学分.
  • The curriculum emphasizes problem-solving skills and computing technologies through 12 required computer science courses.
  • 提供了定量背景 by studies in applied calculus, computer math, and statistics.
  • 组织/管理方面的课程 helps 你 make the connection between the information needs of people in organizations and the technologies that can help meet these needs.
  • 高级项目,需要实习 provide opportunities to apply computer-based problem-solving techniques to larger problems.




A 计算机科学 minor allows 你 to apply computing technologies and problem-solving strategies to 你r chosen major or to explore computing as a second discipline.

  • A minimum 33 credits are required for this minor, 包括15个高年级学分.
  • 典型的辅修课程包括 编程课程, 软件与系统设计, and electives tailored to 你r computing interests.


Admission to a major or minor in 计算机科学 or major in Information Systems requires:

  • 最低SPU累积GPA为2.0 (C).
  • 平均绩点2.5岁或以上 in 10 credits of computer science (CSC) courses taken at SPU that apply to 你r chosen major/minor.
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件鼓励你申请你的专业 一旦你有资格,使用在线 主修或副修申请表.
  • You must complete the major or minor requirements in effect when 你 are admitted to the major or minor.


Writing and communication skills are important for computer scientists. Courses recommended for all students in these majors include:

  • 3205年英格 ”问题 & 实践:职场写作”
  • COM 1101 ”介绍. 到人际交往”

Otto Miller Hall at 好的赌博软件推荐


参观 工程与计算机科学系 to see how a degree in 计算机科学 or Information Systems can help 你 achieve 你r goals to make a difference in the world.



建议课程顺序 help 你 complete 你r degree in a timely manner.



You cannot double-major in “计算机科学与信息系统”. 然而:

  • If 你 have graduated with a 计算机科学 degree, 你可能 pursue an Information Systems degree as a second baccalaureate degree.
  • If 你 graduated with a degree in Information Systems, 你可能 pursue either 计算机科学 option as a second baccalaureate degree.